Wadden Physiotherapy and Sport Performance is a Physiotherapy located in Sydney, Nova Scotia that offers quality, individualized care to our patients.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to commonly asked questions about our physiotherapy treatments and clinic. If you have a question that you do not see the answer for, please don’t hesitate to phone our office at 902-567-0900.

Your initial assessment will last about an hour. Your physiotherapist will complete a thorough assessment, and combined with your treatment goals, will develop a collaborative treatment plan (to achieve those goals). Subsequent treatment sessions will last 45-60 minutes depending on the condition. We will reassess you on a frequent basis to determine how your treatment plan and exercise program needs to be adjusted or progressed.

Your initial physiotherapy assessment will cost $90. Each subsequent treatment session will cost $80.

By law, in the province of Nova Scotia, a healthcare provider’s referral is not required to attend physiotherapy. However, some private medical plans require a referral to cover treatment or the portion that is covered. It is recommended that you contact the clinic or your insurance provider to determine if one is needed.  We also offer direct billing for most insurance providers. If you don’t see yours listed below, please contact us to ask!

Insurance Providers:

  • Sunlife
  • Claim Secure
  • Medavie Blue Cross
  • Alberta Blue Cross
  • GreenShield
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Standard Life
  • Great West Life
  • Canada Life
  • Desjardins
  • Johnson Insurance
  • Industrial Alliance

We recommend that you wear comfortable clothing to your appointment. If we are looking at a hip or knee, we suggest you bring shorts or we can provide them. If we are looking at your shoulder, we suggest you wear a tank top or Johnnie shirts are available as well.

We can direct bill most insurance companies, as well as WCB, DVA, motor vehicle insurance and disability claims. However, some providers will require that you pay upfront and then submit receipts to be reimbursed. Upon booking your initial assessment, please discuss your insurance information with our office administrator for further details.

You can call the office to book an appointment at 902-567-0900 or book online.  If no appointment is available online please contact the office directly and we’ll do what we can to accommodate you.

Have you recently experienced physical discomfort or a recent injury that could require the assistance of a physiotherapist?