Wadden Physiotherapy and Sport Performance is a Physiotherapy located in Sydney, Nova Scotia that offers quality, individualized care to our patients.
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Manage Pain
We offer hands on care, a variety of treatment techniques and education to better manage symptoms in your everyday life.
Improve Mobility

We will help you improve or restore your mobility to help you return to the activities you enjoy.

Increase Strength
As your pain level and mobility improve, we’ll turn our focus to increasing your strength and enhancing your overall level of function.

Helping You Get Back To Your Everyday Life

At Wadden Physiotherapy and Sport Performance, we strive to offer quality, individualized care to our patients. After completing a thorough assessment, we will work with you to develop a plan that is tailored to you.

We want you to reach your optimum level of performance, whether that is being able to go for a walk, returning to work or your favourite sport, or gardening with your grandchildren.

We strive to be innovative in our approach and offer a fun, positive environment that allows our patients to take an active role in their own care and recovery. We believe that physiotherapy is not done to you, but that you are an essential part of the process!

Our Services

Our comprehensive range of physiotherapy services are designed to address a wide spectrum of conditions, promoting pain relief, mobility improvement, and overall well-being.

Neurofunctional Acupuncture
Radial Shockwave
Dry Needling
Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Manual Therapy

Contact us for more information or book an appointment.

Meet Mike Wadden

“Over the past 20 years, I’ve been focused on delivering patient-centered, personalized care to every patient I see. I take great pride in helping patients reach their maximum level of performance and involving them in every step of the process.”

Mike Wadden
Physiotherapist and Owner of Wadden Physiotherapy & Sport Performance

Have you recently experienced physical discomfort or a recent injury that could require the assistance of a physiotherapist?

Contact Us

Get in touch with our experienced team today to start your journey towards health and wellness.